Applications for first admission (reception) and transfer from infant to junior/primary (year 3) for September 2022 opened on Monday 8th November 2021 for children living in Nottinghamshire.
Children who are 5 years old between 1 September 2022 and 31 August 2023, or who are transferring from an infant school (year 2) to junior education (year 3) in September 2022, and require a school place for September 2022, need to apply before the closing date of 15th January 2022.
All known Nottinghamshire children eligible to apply will be sent an application pack to their home address week commencing 8th November 2021. Children who live outside of Nottinghamshire should contact their home local authority for information about applying.
It is recommended that parents apply online at and they will then be able to view the outcome of their application on National Offer Day 19 April 2022. Parents are encouraged to read the oversubscription criteria carefully for their preferred schools and use all 4 preferences. Applications for admission to year 3 in the normal admissions round, will be considered only for those schools that normally admit children at year 3.