School admissions consultation 2025-2026

Period of consultation: 2 October 2023 to 26 November 2023

The Council, as the admission authority, is consulting on its admission arrangements for all community and voluntary controlled schools in Nottinghamshire for 2025-2026 and invites you to give your views.

Background information

The School Admissions Code requires all admission authorities to consult on any changes proposed to their admission arrangements. A copy of the full proposed admission arrangements must also be available on the website for the duration of the consultation period.  Below are the documents for the consultation for all community and voluntary controlled schools in Nottinghamshire.

You can give your views on the consultation between 2 October 2023 to 26 November 2023  in the following ways:

Own admission authorities

Other types of schools – academies, foundation, studio, trust and voluntary aided schools are own admission authorities. These schools are responsible for their own admission arrangements and have to run their own consultation if changes are proposed.  You would need to visit individual school websites for details.

Other information

All local authorities must formulate and publish a scheme to coordinate admission arrangements for the normal admissions round and late applications. The Council’s coordinated scheme will be available shortly.